Integers are single numbers on the whole number line and are either positive or negative. For every negative number, there is also an equal positive number. Negative integers are not positive integers, and they are usually not written as an exact number. A negative number is either one or -1.
For all the different number lines of the GRE examination, there are certain rules that must be followed. On the whole number line, the numbers are read from left to right starting from zero. Positive numbers are written above the negative numbers while negative numbers are written below positive numbers. The numbers are written from right to left. All numbers that are written are of the same length.
There are five numerical values in the number line of the examination. The first numerical value is zero. It is the smallest numerical value and is the one that are the most frequently used. It is the most likely to be skipped in the GRE examination. All GRE examination takers, especially those who do not have a lot of experience in taking GRE exams, skip the first numerical value.
The second numerical value that is usually skipped during the GRE examination is the first positive numerical value. The GRE examination taker who misses this value should not worry, as the next numeric value is usually written at one to two spaces after positive numbers.
The third numerical value is another positive number. It is often written after positive numbers and is called the cumulative numerical value. If the cumulative numerical value is written last, it means the cumulative value will be written as an even number with even spaces.
Negative integers are written after positive numbers. The third numerical value is the negative value. It is the least frequent numerical value, which is written last. It is the least frequent to be skipped by a GRE examination taker during the entire examination.
The fourth numerical value is the negative number. It is the last numerical value, which is skipped if the cumulative numerical value is skipped. It is the first numerical value that is skipped.
The fifth numerical value is the positive numerical value. It is the first numerical value that is skipped if the cumulative numerical value is skipped. It is also the most frequent numerical value to be skipped. The first three numerical values are the three digits of the cumulative numerical value.
The third and fourth numerical values can be written together if the first numerical value is not enough to write out the full value of the numbers. This method is called repeating the numerical values.
The fifth numerical value is the most frequent numerical value to be skipped in the GRE examination. It is the last numerical value to be skipped when there are more digits in the cumulative number line than the cumulative line. After the fifth numerical value is skipped, the GRE examination taker should mark the same with an equal sign and finish the GRE examination.
There are certain other types of punctuation marks that will be used in the test. Some will be used for the specific types of questions in the test. Some will be used in certain sub tests.
When the test is done, the test-taker should give the exam-taker’s name on the test. The test taker will receive a scorecard. It will tell the name of the test taker, and the grade that he or she earned.