The most basic rule of thumb is that permutations and combinations are ordered and unordered, but what exactly does that mean? An example would be demonstrating the difference between the President and Vice Presidents on a chart. Alternately, think about rearranging the questions and ask yourself, “What is a President?”
There are some very specific rules that you must follow when you are asked to take a GRE Exam combination. For example, if you’re asked to solve a question by multiplying together a series of numbers, you must solve the sequence of numbers in order. For example, let’s say that you’re given a question like: “In the United States, each state has one Senator and one Representative from each district. This district contains three districts, which are named District A, District B, and District C. Each district contains two Senators and four representatives.”
Your answer would be to first multiply up the number of Representatives in District B into the total number of Representatives in all the districts. Then multiply the number of Representatives in District C into the number of Representatives in the District A. The third part will then be multiplied by the number of Representatives in the District B. So your answer will be: “The President is the Representative from District A, and the Vice President is the Representative from District B.”
If you are asked to solve a question by combining a series of numbers, like: “In United States, each state has one Senator and one Representative from that state. That state has one district, which is known as State A,” then your answer will be: “The state has four districts, which are known as State B, State C, State D, State E, State F, and State G.”
In order to get the most from your GRE examination, you have to use combinations when you take multiple test questions. In fact, you should use them on almost every one of the questions you are asked to solve. Here is a great example of combining the questions, so that you can learn how to solve them properly: “In United States, each state has one Senator and one Representative from each district. This district has two districts, which are known as District A, and District B. One of these districts has three members, which are known as State C, which have three members, which are known as State D. Each district has four representatives, which are known as State E, State F, State G, State H, and State I.”
You should be able to see that there are a lot of different combinations, and it is very easy to understand them once you are given some examples. This will also help you learn how to answer the questions correctly, so that you will know how to apply your knowledge in your practice exams.
Your GRE score will be determined based on the questions that you solve correctly, so do your homework, review the questions you have already answered, and then make sure that your answers are clear, consistent, and well-organized. Once you have done that, you are ready to take the actual GRE examination. so make sure that your scores on all your exams are higher than the average score for that grade level.