Cultural and Historical Context of Art

When talking about the cultural and historical context of a piece of art, it’s important to first define the term. What is cultural history? It’s an area of study that involves looking at specific types of art from different eras of the world, looking at the social and political circumstances that contributed to the creation of the piece of art, and generally speaking, examining the overall context of the piece.

Cultural history can be broken down into five main categories. These are the evolution of art during early civilizations in Egypt and Greece; artistic evolution in the Middle East during the Hellenistic period; early European art during the Renaissance; and art in Japan during the Meiji period. All of these areas were influenced by many other influences and their own unique histories. They have all their own unique styles, but they are still very closely tied together.

In Greece, there was a period called the “Orientalization of Greco-Roman Art,” during which the Greeks adopted many different foreign themes and styles of art, even though they were originally Roman. This was mainly due to the massive influx of both Greeks and Persians into the Greek world during the time of Alexander the Great. Another major influence on Greco-Roman art was the Egyptian influence that was on the Mediterranean region at the time. The Egyptians brought their own forms of art to the Greeks, with influences ranging from art to architecture to clothing. A lot of this art was then copied, and the resulting art forms became the basis for the Greco-Roman civilization.

After Alexander, the Greeks and Romans took over the remaining parts of the Persian Empire, who continued to use their own forms of art, but also developed the concept of art as a separate art field. In addition to this, the new religions brought new forms of art to the people of the time, such as the Wiccan religion.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, one of the most influential periods in the history of the artwork is the Italian Renaissance, which saw the first real growth of the highly famous Impressionists. The Impressionists were so influential, in fact, that some of them would end up creating similar style paintings to the ones that would soon become so popular with other artists.

Throughout Japan, there was a very strong influence on art from the Japanese culture that began in the late thirteenth century. During this period, there were major changes to the Japanese language, with the Shoguns becoming the rulers instead of the Emperor. As a result, Japan began to change from a closed country to a more open and free one.

After World War II, the United States became a very big part of the cultural and historical context of the world, and its influence has been felt in many areas of the world ever since. When the Cold War was ending, Japan began to open itself up once again to the world, and many Americans saw the creation of Hollywood films in the 1970s. Some of these movies would be very similar to European movies in the seventies, as American influences were being added.

Another important aspect of the cultural and historical context of art is the impact that the Chinese culture had on the development of Western art. The Chinese culture has always been known for its high degree of skill in painting, but it has been known also for its emphasis on religious art. It was during the Ming dynasty that a great artist of the time, Qi Xianlin, created some of the first Chinese calligraphy ever seen on paper. He was a renowned calligrapher, but his work went far beyond this.