Decimals Representation of Numbers

The number of decimals that can be represented by a number is called the decimal representation. It is also called a fractional representation or a symbolic representation.

There are five different types of decimals representation of numbers in the 10th class. The following are the classes in order of their importance. A. Decimal terminations. B. Repeating and non-repeating.

C. Mixed representation. D. Decimals that represents numbers with a difference of less than one percent.

E. Mixed representation with a class not of the 10th class. F. Mixed representations of numbers with a class of more than ten-tenths of the base number. G. A class of higher order numbers, which include the first hundred base numbers and the ones up to the thousandth class. H. A class of higher order numbers, which include the first hundred base numbers and the ones up to the thousandth class.

I. Decimals that represent both fractions and whole numbers. J. Mixed representations, which represent all the classes of numbers. K. Decimals that represents all kinds of numbers with only a single class.

Each class has different number of decimals representing the same number. The class that has the least number of decimals is called the least significant class or most significant class.

Classes are ordered by the number of decimals in which they occur. Decimals that occur more frequently than any other decimals are called more significant. This is true of the most significant decimals, which occur in a class together with the least significant decimals and all other decimals.

Decimals can be viewed in terms of their order of importance. Classes of decimals occur first, while the least significant decimals occur last. Classes of decimals with no other decimals have no order of importance. The order of importance of decimals is independent of class and number of decimals.

Decimals that appear more often are referred to as significant decimals. Decimals that appear less often are called less significant decimals. This does not necessarily indicate a significance to the type of decimals, however.

Decimals can be used to represent numbers of interest to a person. For example, when someone wants to know how many people came to visit their home, he can ask how many guests each guest brought along. This way he can get the number of guests without counting them.

Decimals are useful for many calculations. They can be used to represent fractions and decimals. In fact, even numbers can be written in decimals for convenience.

Decimals can also be used as an arithmetic unit. For example, if you want to know the percentage of two objects to each other, you can divide by decimals to get the proportion. Of course, the fractional part is always rounded up. The decimal part of a fraction will always be rounded down.

You can use decimals to express numbers of any kind. For example, if you want to know the height of a person, you can take the square of the length of a person and add the square of his or her height to get the exact number of feet.

Decimals can be used to represent percentages. Decimals are very important when using statistics.

Decimals can also be used to represent time periods. If you want to know the number of years in a certain period, you can divide the time in the period by the total time in the period. To find the percentage of those years which were spent living, you can divide the amount of time in the period by the number of years.

Decimals can be used to describe the direction of the center of the earth. Divide the latitude and longitude in decimals and find the center point on the map where it coincides with the number of degrees in that range.

Decimals are used to represent different shapes. A circle is a perfect example of a shape with no edges. It can be written with decimals for convenience. A line can be written with decimals for accuracy and you can use decimals for angles as well.