This requires some analysis and forecasting skills, because predicting the movement in the market is not just about looking at a chart or reading the news. In addition, it is important to consider all the factors that can affect the market. For example, if there are a large number of people entering the market in the same direction, the stock will most likely be falling in that direction as well.
To help you to predict what the market is going to do, you should first study the market history of the stock you want to buy. This way, you will be able to see how much the share price has fluctuated over the years. You will also be able to read up on trends that have already occurred and see how these trends might impact the price of the stock you are interested in buying. If you know exactly how the market will move, you will be in a much better position to make an informed investment decision.
Once you have studied the market history of a particular stock, you need to take the information you have learned and come up with a forecast of how it is going to behave in the future. You can use charts to help you do this, but they are not reliable enough to make good predictions. Instead, you need to look at other indicators of market behaviour.
One indicator that many investors overlook when they are looking at the market is the amount of support or resistance the share has established in the past. If a share has established a high level of resistance against other shares, it means that there is some kind of trend forming within that stock. If a share has established a low level of support against other shares, however, it means that there is a break out in the trend.
So how do you determine whether a stock is in a support or resistance? There are a number of indicators you can use to do this, including the following:
Trend Lines – A trend line is a graphical representation of the price action of the underlying stock over a period of time. If the trend line shows an upward support or downward resistance, this means that the price of the stock is going to rise in the future, and if it shows downward support or upward resistance, then the price is set to fall.
Range Trumps – This is another useful tool used by many traders to predict what the share price will do against other shares in the market. Range trumps are used to find out whether there is a clear break from the trend in the share price, or whether it is holding steady in a direction.
Technical Indicators – These are indicators that can show you how the share’s price has behaved in the past. For example, if there is a big pullback in the share price, it means that the share price is set to fall, while if there is a small pullback, it means it is going to rise.
A lot of people think that when a share price moves against the trend, it is always going to fall. However, the price does not always move the same way every time; sometimes, it will fall against the trend, sometimes it will fall in a very tight range.
Technical indicators should be used alongside your research into the market history of the stock you are looking to buy. If you take the time to study the historical trends for a stock, you will be able to get a better understanding of how the stock is likely to behave over the long term.